Thursday, December 20, 2012

My grown up girl

Imagining how a three years aged girl acted nowadays?  As I recall my long time memories, I have never had those pinkie stuff nor I ask for it from my parents..*sigh* .. Anyway I'm not the kind that fancy those kind of stuff during my childhood golden years hahaha.. I never had a doll, a cooking stuff or the most cliche girl's pet which is teddy bear hehe.. All I have is a toy soldier, guns and story books.  But we do play masak2 by using the natural materials like the coconut shell serve as a cooking pot, a banana leaf serve as a plate but all the moments fill with excitement and lots of fun.  

We can't compare those years and now.  There are things that we have to compromise.  What we can do is just live our life to the fullest and if I could, I want to stop counting the unnecessary numbers *age and anniversary*.  Let's just start counting how many happiness and that we can create throughout our journey before we saying goodbye to this world.

Kakak's beauty-equipment-cannot-be-touched!!!

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