Friday, April 13, 2012

Never kutuk people ok!

Sometimes it doesn't take long to see something, some scene, some story return back to you.  This some story happened to me.  As a human, we never know what's in front of us, all we can do is keep praying to Allah for what we want in life here and after.  I've never in my life being bad mouth about other people's richness or poorness.  If she's rich then it's good for her and if she's poor then there must be something that she can do to make her life better.  Me..I'm thank full and glad for the life that Allah gave me.  If we feel that we lack of something, we should work hard to get it.  

Envies is good but make it in a right way. Never let your heart feel sick when you see somebody's life is larger than yours. We never know that one fine day, we'll need their help or favour. You realize that what you give you get back but you fail to realize that you might be that person one day. I hope that particular person is learning a lesson in her life. I was the victim of LV hahaha... and I never think about that too much as I have other important things to think of in my life. We live our life once so we better make it to the fullness and the time that we have is so short.

I love this!

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