Thursday, August 28, 2014

it's my birthday!

It's been a long time I guess..this space is quite dusty.  Today, I'm trying hard to sweep it, vacuum it and wipe it.  Often we heard life begin at 40.  I'm 39 today..yeah and a very happy birthday to me.  To be honest, it's just another day that will pass by (if there's still tomorrow for me).  I'm praying so much, a lot with all my heart and soul that my life, my prefect life (bet nothing is perfect in this world) will begin at 40.  So I've got one year left to fill in.  May Allah grant all my duas and wishes.  Only He knows what is the best for me.  Thank you Allah for this life and lessons, thank you Mak for everything, thank you Ayah for everything...In Sha Allah we'll meet again in Jannah with all the blessings from Him.

Revealling a secret of me on my birthday..

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