Friday, December 7, 2012

To Him we pray

Time is slowly leaving us behind.  It's nearly four months Mak is leaving us.  It happen so fast just like it was yesterday.  The feeling of missing Mak is getting deeper day by day.  Never a second I stop thinking about Mak. I know that sooner or later our parents will leave us behind as death is inevitable.  Death is the natural culmination of every embodied being so each one of us will face death.  I'm not afraid of death but what I'm afraid is will I bring enough good deeds,  everything I do in my lifetime will be counted and even we get the leaking questions when we're still alive, I don't know if I can answer all the questions properly.  I'm praying so hard to Allah so that my family and I, parents and siblings and all my Muslim's brothers and sisters will be treated warmly and full of love from the Merciful Allah s.w.t  in the life after.

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