Hard to believe that only a few hours left for this 2012. Welcoming the 2013....hhmmm..I don't know what to expect. Just live life as usual, you still can't see flying car albeit another seven years to reach 2020. Perodua and Proton have to improve a lot and a lot at designing their automobile. Still no sign of futuristic design or a masterpiece from them. Memories with Mak during her final year is so priceless. So many events took place this year. Full of colors, bright and dark fill in the spaces. Whatever the number is, life must be carried on, we have to move on. No matter what the circumstances is, I will never stop praying to Allah to grant all my wishes and prayers. Hoping for the best things and good things will come along the way...In shaa Allah..aminnnnn...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Miss Ayah..
I hope I can balik kampung very often to accompany Ayah. I know he's lonely, how I wish he can stay here in KL but that's impossible because he doesn't belong here. His soul and mind always fly back to kampung be it wherever he goes *it apply to me as well hehe*. I know he miss Mak, no words can describe and so do us but there's nothing we can do about it... Loneliness is part of our life, we just fake it with our smile. Ayah..let's get on with our live, we surely miss Mak, we can't bring her back but definitely we will go to her one fine day. Please be strong for your good self and for us.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
It's Thursday!
It's Thursday and I forgot to wear batik *la sangat*..thought it was Tuesday hehehe.. We went to hospital to visit our colleague that gave birth to a cute baby boy. Again didn't snap a photo as everyone is so uuu...aaaa...eeeiiiii with the baby. Me..as usual..so-so emotion because I've gone through that phase and already have three of a little human so for me, all babies are the same. They are the cutest mini human, they sleep all the time and they open their eyes when is needed plus they make sound when the tummy is empty. I miss Ammar, hope he's coming this weekend or we can all go swimming at makcik's place plus have to bring some food *muahahaha*...makcik house don't provide food when Eiman Danial's hungry-after-swimming.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
1st attempt!
First attempt of blogging while boss is on holiday for the whole week until new year...succeed! We've been away *balik kampung* on the weekend and it was so fun. I'm cleaning my room, mopping the floor and it feels fresh. We went to a wedding, my best friend's daughter. Meeting with old friends like a reunion and it was so touched... The most important part when balik kampung this time is my trellis. Finally..I managed to do it. Can't wait to see them grow. The beans, the tomatoes and the persimmon *kakak planted it* hopefully it works hahaha... Forgot to snap a photo as all of us busy with the dirty hands and chasing the cats away from the girls. I'm surely will miss balik kampung a lot this time hehehe miss my kebun...
Friday, December 21, 2012
Long holiday..yeay!!!
Nope! It's not me! It's my boss! He will be going for a long holiday for the first time ever. Yeay!!! Everyone in the office is so excited with the good news. We'll be working with a smiley face for a week until new year..wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
I hope I can update my blog every day *or I can watch Astro in boss's room* which is better hahaha...what an epic!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
My grown up girl
Imagining how a three years aged girl acted nowadays? As I recall my long time memories, I have never had those pinkie stuff nor I ask for it from my parents..*sigh* .. Anyway I'm not the kind that fancy those kind of stuff during my childhood golden years hahaha.. I never had a doll, a cooking stuff or the most cliche girl's pet which is teddy bear hehe.. All I have is a toy soldier, guns and story books. But we do play masak2 by using the natural materials like the coconut shell serve as a cooking pot, a banana leaf serve as a plate but all the moments fill with excitement and lots of fun.
We can't compare those years and now. There are things that we have to compromise. What we can do is just live our life to the fullest and if I could, I want to stop counting the unnecessary numbers *age and anniversary*. Let's just start counting how many happiness and errr...money that we can create throughout our journey before we saying goodbye to this world.
Kakak's beauty-equipment-cannot-be-touched!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Adik with Catty
This scene only happen at kampung when me and daddy is not around *no chance the Catty can sleep like Adik if daddy's there* . She's unfriend cat but it's hard to believe this photo, they even share the same dream..I guess hahaha... but I love it!
Friday, December 7, 2012
To Him we pray
Time is slowly leaving us behind. It's nearly four months Mak is leaving us. It happen so fast just like it was yesterday. The feeling of missing Mak is getting deeper day by day. Never a second I stop thinking about Mak. I know that sooner or later our parents will leave us behind as death is inevitable. Death is the natural culmination of every embodied being so each one of us will face death. I'm not afraid of death but what I'm afraid is will I bring enough good deeds, everything I do in my lifetime will be counted and even we get the leaking questions when we're still alive, I don't know if I can answer all the questions properly. I'm praying so hard to Allah so that my family and I, parents and siblings and all my Muslim's brothers and sisters will be treated warmly and full of love from the Merciful Allah s.w.t in the life after.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Am I fat?
My weight never exceed 54kg during normal condition nowadays. The highest it can goes is 68kg, it was during my pregnancy. After delivery, the number goes back to 45kg again. The latest me weighs about 52kg which is still below BMI, the perfect would be 55kg as my height is about 154m. But still I think I'm fat, is it due to some cellidontlike that hang at my thighs *not so much but still it become an eyesore*. I'm blessed with the high metabolism rate so all the food that I consume quickly become energy *an understandable explaination about metabolism hehe*. Some people say I'm kurus cikeding but I strongly believe I look fat!!!!!
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